
    Acid-O-Guard bolus is the synergistic combination of micronutrients mixture along with Direct Fed Microbes (DFM), Niacin and Calcium Carbonate in a buffer matrix.

Role of Acid-O-Guard

    • Creating a rumen environment is necessary to improve fermentation efficiency. Low rumen pH can be a threat to fibre digestion, so a rumen conditioner can re-establish the ideal rumen pH to 5.8 to 6.0.
    • Acid-O-Guard is designed as a slow release bolus which stabilizes the rumen pH and effectively ensures good rumen condition and thereby improves feed utilization.

Feature & Benefits

    • Unique blend of nutrient mix provide phased and multi-functional effect.
    • Stabilizes rumen pH for a long time.
    • Slow-release bolus.
    • Maintains healthy rumen condition.
    • Optimizes rumen pH by stimulating the rumen microbes.
    • Improves rumen eco-system.


Acidosis 4 Boluses twice daily.
Sub-Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) 2 Boluses twice daily as a supportive feed supplement.


    • 4 boli per strip.

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